
How Badly Do You Want It

Mar 14, 2019

How Badly Do You Want It?

Well, it depends on what is it that you want and how badly you want it? For many their first responses (to that thing that matter to them) is “I want it badly”. Before you reach any quick conclusion, May I suggest you watch this video at least twice before you post your comment ( I saw this video on a friends wall on Facebook) .

While you are at it, here are the things that struck me about the video:

  • Your End Goal Must Be Clear: The Baby wanted to get to the top of the fridge. There was no time for if, when or but. The mission seem clear to the baby “get on the fridge”. Are you that clear about what want (I mean about your business, your health, your marriage, your career etc) ?
  • There is Risk in every endeavor: If you stop to think about it, the risk before the baby are huge and scary. The baby climbed all the same (sometimes you must do things afraid). While I would not recommend that any kid try this at home, the deed is already done (if you want to go to a new frontier you must chart course never traveled)

  • No Distraction: Imagine if the kid stopped for one minute to rest or look down to see how far he/she has come (the child will be afraid like most people; I don’t know about other people I will be scared)
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: This is not the first time that the baby is climbing the fridge (if you listened the background, the baby kept calling mummy, I am climbing the fridge ….
  • Mistakes will happen: Though I can not bear to think about the type of fall or mistakes that have happened before the baby perfected the art of climbing the fridge, I suspect the baby would have fallen a couple of times (I have shut my eyes and I don’t to imagine the fall even when supervised).

As for me, I am challenged by the video, I will keep pushing. Are you going after what you love? Remember stay focused, make mistake dust yourself up and climb again, till you reach your own mountain top. The feeling is exhilarating!

The test of desire if in its pursuit – How Badly do you want it? Tell me….